Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stuff I Like #13: Being a Special Education Teacher

I'm feeling frustrated and the only thing I can think to do in order to make it better is blog about it.

I love my career as a special education teacher. With a burning passion. I don't have a hard time getting up in the morning to teach. I talk about it possibly more than I should. I think about being a better teacher and how to better reach my students when I'm home at night. I worry about my students, but try to separate myself enough from them that I don't get bogged under by the emotional drain that teaching can be.

I love working with children. They energize me, amaze me, inspire me, flabbergast and baffle me! I like working with other teachers. I like the exchange of ideas that goes on when teachers are truly collaborating. I like planning exciting lessons. I love spending time with other special education teachers because they are my kind of people. I believe I could talk to a special education teacher from anywhere in the United States and get along with him/her.

I love the challenge of working with students who have learning disabilities. They have such interesting quirks! I should probably correct their social skills a bit more than I do, but I love who they are. I love it when a student asks me if he can have a buffalo or answers questions with "Ham sandwich!" I appreciate their sense of humor.

I like that each day is different. I like that each child is different, and that each disabilities requires different strategies. I like trying to find a way to get through to a student, and it's amazing when that break-through comes! I don't think I'll ever be bored as a special education teacher.

Won't someone give me a job doing what I love again?

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