Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stuff I like #2: My Diva Cup!

Fellas, if you're reading, you might want to skip this one. Especially if you're squeamish!

I have always hated buying sanitary supplies from the store. I always felt like it labeled me with a big sign on my forehead saying "I am on my period!" Anything to do with my crotch is my business and no one else's. Not even someone who could care less.

On top of that, women produce a huge amount of waste during that time of the month. It's ending up in landfills and moldering there for years and years. One of my classmates in my certification program I was in at the time mentioned that she used something called Instead. I was intrigued and did a little research online since I'd never seen Instead at the store. I found a whole list of alternatives other than Instead. There are sea sponges. There are natural tampons that are unbleached. There are cloth pads. There may even been inventions that I haven't heard of.

I didn't like the idea of the Instead because it reminded me of a diaphragm. I've never used a diaphragm, but it seems like kind of a difficult thing to use! After debating the choices, I finally decided to purchase a Diva Cup. It's made out of surgical silicone, and appealed to me a lot more than the rubber Keeper. I don't like that rubber smell, and the thought of having it in private places totally turned me off.

I'll admit to having a bit of a problem figuring out how to use my Diva Cup at first. I consulted the FAQs on their website and found a second suggestion for folding before insertion. That worked like a charm! There are times when I feel like it presses on my bladder, but I think my Diva Cup is a God-send! I have used it for at least five years now, and I will never go back!

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