Monday, September 28, 2009

Stuff I like #5: Fall in Kentucky!

After interminable days of rain and humidity, the weather finally broke. It's late September, and I was expecting cool weather long before this. It's my second September back in Kentucky after 6 years in Los Angeles. There is no fall in L.A. There is Summer, Wildfire Season, 15 rainy days followed by mudslide season, and winter that never drops below 40 degrees but results in people wearing North Face down jackets anyway. And of course, it's always Earthquake season.

Kentucky is another matter. There are 3 proper seasons, and usually a fairly mild winter unless you live in Eastern Kentucky. There are years when it gets bad. This past January, we saw quite a nasty ice storm. It took me 30-45 minutes to bash the ice off my car in order to get to work when it was through. Tree limbs fell all over and took out power lines. My mother's school was out for just shy of 2 weeks because they were an emergency shelter for those without electricity.

Fall is my favorite, though. My theory is that it's my favorite because I was born in the fall, but that doesn't hold true for everyone. It's cool enough that I don't sweat all the time, but warm enough that I don't have to wear a jacket and can still go barefoot. I get to leave my windows open at night and don't have to pay as much for electricity. Plus, my apartment gets the smoke aired out of it--I live with smokers.

I love the smell of fall. I love the crisp smell that leaves get when they are dried out and ready to drop off the trees. I love that it gets cold enough that I want to bury my nose under the blanket when the window is open. I love getting up in the morning and taking a steaming hot shower to chase out the cold. I love how the knobs in my home county light up with the brilliant colors of leaves changing.

I love fall!

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